Grow Us Well 24: “Hi Sam, I just wanted to say thank you for the grow us well course held in Otautau. I have had many reflective conversations about grow us well and the tools we learn with my team. Also some great friendships have been created outside our farm ..... I really feel it was precisely targeted at rural men and gave us all insight on how to navigate life. Out of all the courses I have had attended I/ my team got the most value …….I would fully endorse further funding of this course through rural support or like agencies" - John, Farm Owner
Men’s Muster 2022: “I really enjoyed the muster, keep up the great work. we need people like yourself to get men off their backsides to recognise there is a problem. The food on Saturday was beautiful, well done again. It was great to meet you and your whanau I will leave you with this Māori Whakatauki. Kaua tatou e tuku ano ia, tatou nga raru. ki a puawai a tatou moemoea. Do not let ourselves be the obstacle to the fruition of our dreams” - Sir Wayne Shelford, Aug 22
Men’s Muster 2022: “Next Level Event” Aug 22
Building Better Blokes: “She actually does get it, she’s not there to make it all flowery and wellbeing lovers……the biggest thing it taught me is to take a step back and look at what I am doing….I've got a better balance now. I know some days are shit and some days are great, and that great days will come again ” - Grant