Wellbeing Events - Large or Small
Men’s Muster Fiordland
This annual event allows you to get back in touch or find your sense of identity. Unleash your inner problem-solver,with friendly competition, with egos left at the door and an incredible array of speakers. From sport, to psychology, business, health, leadership, lifestyle, inspirers, and everyday people who like to do things a little bit differently the Muster offers something for everyone. With a great mix of wellbeing education and challenging adventures, whilst this is being run as a big event annually in Fiordland, there is certainly the opportunity for us to facilitate you running your own “Mini Muster” for staff and friends in the outstanding Fiordland landscape, or help you to organizing a similar event in your town.
As an employer looking to give your crew some inspiration, as part of building a great team we have found everyone talks more openly when you’re busy - so we give you heaps to keep you occupied, sharing a sense of achievement, and letting the conversations flow, whilst hoping the group will Learn something new, Grow a little and go home with some new skills to Apply to their own lives. This is a link to the main event, Men's Muster Fiordland, but using local talent and resources we can craft a BESPOKE MINI MUSTER that is perfect for you and your crew.